Sigona's Office Deliveries is open and operating! Please contact us if you would like to resume your office service or to set up recurring orders of fresh fruit and snacks for your remote employees.


Grown By Farmers

We work with a large number of local growers from nearby farming communities
such as Salinas, Morgan Hill, Half Moon Bay, Brentwood, and Placerville.

Organic and pesticide free apples

Organic or Pesticide-Free

We source the very best the earth has to offer – much of it organic or pesticide-free - using age-old methods of keeping crops safe from pests and disease. We’ve chosen certain farmers that we trust to farm their land with the utmost integrity and have developed relationships with them for over 35 years.

Shop Our Farm Fresh Products

Farmers directly to You

Once you taste our fruit for the first time you'll know exactly why we have chosen the farmers we work with. Their fruit is incredibly delcious! You'll actually have the sense that the fruit you're eating was picked last week. When you source locally and take it directly to the customer shortly after receiving it the quality is superior.

Organic and pesticide free peaches

Fruits In Season Now

Basket of apples

Good Local Produce

The farmers we work with love our service because they know that our customers are so enjoying the 'fruit of their labor' and truly appreciating how good local produce can be. Give us a try against fruit you're buying from chain stores, big box stores or even other delivery services, and you'll discover the difference for yourself. Then, you'll start singing the praises of the farmers we partner with, too.